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Awaiting an arrival


Sorry for the silence, I can't believe its over a month since I last posted. I have been pretty busy preparing for the arrival of baby number two and its safe to say a nesting frenzy has been taking place here at little maldod HQ. Its amazing the satisfaction that can be found in sorting out the Tupperware cupboard! 

We've had a lovely month and I've thoroughly enjoyed pottering and sorting. Wilf's newborn baby clothes have been washed, folded and put away ready to be worn again, new prints for the nursery have been framed and put in position and blankets used by my sister and I have been lovingly handed on to us to use after almost 30 years. We've also celebrated Sam's 30th birthday, spending part of it at my parents' beautiful home in Pembrokeshire and then having an obligatory curry at home with great friends.  

I love the Belle and Boo print in this picture.
  We've also been enjoying the spring sunshine and Wilf has a new found love for the garden and all things mud! Its been fun to watch. 

Wilf, Mr Turtle and a muddy hand

When I last posted I had plans for some crafting before our baby arrived and I'm pleased to report that I've manged to get round to making the patchwork blanket and breastfeeding cover that I had planned. 

Patchwork blanket on the top and a striped quilt last used by my sister and I in the 80's!
 They were delayed slightly as a certain little monkey had managed (who knows how) to shove a knitting needle into my sewing machine, jamming it up good and proper. Thankfully my mum helped me take it apart and pull it out so I was back up and running again. 

I also managed to get round to making up lots of cards for the next month or two. March is a busy month for celebrations in our family and I didn't want to miss out on sending cards to some special people. It was nice to freestyle on some designs and I think some of these will be added to the shop at some point, so watch this space. 

Its been lovely to make gifts for other people over the last few weeks and last minute orders have just made their way to me before our own due date. Baby H is due to arrive this Thursday so it could really be any day now. I've decided to shut up shop for a little while from today, just until life with a newborn (and toddler) settles down to some degree of 'normality'!

I have lots of ideas for new ranges I'd like to add to the shop when I reopen, including some big brother/ sister t-shirts (which Wilf will most certainly be modelling in the near future) new gifts for older children and some mini Easter bunting that I can't wait to make for my own home. When I get round to some prototypes I'll pop some pics on the little maldod instagram feed (@littlemaldod).

So keep your eyes open for updates on our new arrival and for details of when the shop will be reopening. Thank you all so much for your support so far this year.

Right, I'm off to find some chocolate and then for a pedicure which I've been looking forward to for WEEKS! Stay put just a bit longer little lady........

With lots of love,
Lowri x