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Celebrating a Year

March is a birthday month in this family and next week there's an extra special birthday coming up. My baby girl turns one on Monday (sob!) It sounds so cliched but I really can't believe how quickly the year has gone. In what feels like a flash, my newborn daughter has grown into a cheeky, affectionate little girl who is trying her hardest to walk and talk and copies just about everything her brother does!

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For Wilfred's first and second birthdays I decided to make a photo timeline of special moments and milestones taken throughout the year before. With a slight (ahem) fondness for Instagram I had plenty to choose from and they made a lovely display in our sitting room over the weekends that we celebrated. Unbelievably I didn't get a photo of them displayed (shame on me!) but here's the bunting on his first birthday.

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I've decided to do the same for Anwen, this time printing them in a larger polaroid style format, using the Polagram app. I was really impressed with the quality and how easy it was to use and its now uploaded on my phone for good (possibly a risky move on my part!)

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I'll use mini wooden pegs to hang them to ribbon in chronological order and annotate them with the odd description here and there. I'm also planning to make some personalised birthday bunting which I'll be pulling out every year until I'm told its too embarrassing (although I'm not sure that'll stop me!)

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We're having a very small tea party with a Belle and Boo theme and a vintage twist, thanks to some old invitations given to us by my Grandparents - in - law. I was tempted to use them but couldn't face writing on them so may frame them and use them for decoration instead.

Here's my little mood board which is inspiring me this week and reminding me to get organised as the week is flying by too! 

I'd love to know if you have any special ways of marking the passing years on your Children's birthdays.

With love,

Lowri x